One of the most common garage door repairs involves the springs. Regardless of the size or style of your garage door or the kind of springs your door has on it, they all serve the same purpose. Garage door springs are needed to keep your door counterbalanced. If the door is not counterbalanced, it cannot open and close properly and it will be unbalanced. An unbalanced door is a safety hazard and can fall. For that reason, it is imperative that all garage door springs are in properly operating order. If your garage door has a spring that breaks, the door itself can fall. As you know, garage doors are heavy. A falling door can result in serious injury or cause major property damage. Most residential garage doors have two springs. In that situation, if one spring breaks the other spring can keep the door from falling. In the event one spring breaks, you shouldn’t attempt to operate the garage door. The spring or springs that are left will be holding more weight than usual and the weight will be unevenly shifted. Commercial garage doors are usually heavier and larger. Because of their size, they usually require four or more garage door springs. It doesn’t matter how many springs a garage door has to counterbalance it. If a spring breaks, you should get immediate help to address the issue and prevent damage or injury. Garage door springs are dangerous, so they should only be handled by a trained technician who can handle the task safely and professionally. Making springs adjustments, replacing or repairing springs or installing springs are all dangerous tasks. In the event a garage door spring releases prematurely or uncoils without warning, you could suffer serious injury. Many people have been knocked off of ladders by springs. The fall itself can cause major injuries. If you are struck by the spring itself you can suffer broken bones or deep lacerations. Many people have experienced lengthy hospital stays or even been killed in garage door spring related accidents. It isn’t worth the risk. Call on a well trained technician who has been trained how to safely and professionally handle all garage door spring repairs.
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